Website Care Plans

Your business doesn’t stand still, and neither does the web.
So your website shouldn’t either.

Can you afford not to care?

If having regular maintenance on your site sounds like extra pain, think about the pain doing nothing could cause!

Your search engine rankings depend on an up to date site

Building a site and letting it sit is a sure way for Google to drop you down the rankings, as their system decides your site is inactive. That goes for content as well as code. The proof is in the pudding. Out of date websites get less visitors.

Broken doors let in the wrong people

Modern websites all use a range of different functionality to work, from enquiry forms to maps, and news engines to photo galleries. These bits of code all need to stay updated, and most sites site hacks happen because of an out of date piece of code. We keep the doors locked!

First impressions count

What would your impression be of a company with a broken sign outside their door? They may still do incredible work, but that sign gives you an immediate perception. With a split second mouse click, those potential customers have gone to a competitor, undoing all your expensive marketing and advertising that brought them to your front door. Now that’s an unsettling thought.

It’s complicated in there

Looked under the hood of a modern car lately? Where you could once change a spark plug yourself, mechanics now use computers and incredible technical knowledge specific to each brand. Checking up on the daily needs of your website is just the same, and probably not your preferred use of time. That’s what we do, leaving you to get on with business. Plus we have some great stories of sites we needed to fix after a bit of client DIY!

Essentials Plan


Strategic Plan


VIP Plan


Software UpdatesSoftware is continually updated to combat bugs and protect against known security threats.
Offsite Cloud BackupsAccess to two levels of backups on different off-site servers ensuring we can get your site back up quickly should anything happen.
Uptime MonitoringWe monitor your site closely, so if it goes down we know immediately. This ensures we can get your site back up and running as quickly as possible.
Security & Malware ScanningWe strengthen the security of WordPress by running daily malware scans to detect any abnormalities, enforce strong login passwords, block attack attempts and more.
Security GuaranteedIf your site does become compromised we will get you back on track for free.
Ongoing CMS TrainingGain access to a library of video tutorials that are customised to your needs.
Monthly Website ReportsA report that shows everything done on your website for the month, including software updates, uptime monitoring, backups, security, SEO, analytics and more.
Monthly SEO Ranking AnalysisWe monitor your keywords and track how you rank against competitors.
Ongoing Performance OptimisationWe continually monitor the performance and speed of your site and make proactive adjustments to keep you lightning fast.
1 Hour Support / Development TimeEach month you get access to our team of designers and developers for any website requirements.
E-commerce SupportUpdates, support and troubleshooting for e-commerce.
24/7 Emergency SupportPeace of mind in any situation.
Monthly Strategy Session1 hour scheduled monthly strategy call to identify opportunities for improvement and plan for any upcoming promotions.

To discuss which plan is right for you, call 07 5571 2294