The new brand is all about me, and how PLC makes me feel.
By giving the residents a voice, it celebrated the individual, humanising PLC. It reinforced that every resident is an individual with hopes, dreams and concerns – they are more than a patient and the sum of their care needs.
Too many competitors focus on their own brand thinking their good name will get people across the line, by boasting how great they are and how much they care, to the point where it is no longer a differentiator and it just becomes white noise. For any large professional aged care organisation, delivery of quality care should be a given and is no longer a unique benefit.
This boast can also be viewed cynically with the current negative perceptions and media focus around organisations not delivering care. So instead of shouting ‘we care’ louder, let’s move the emphasis to the resident.
It is the benefit of the care, not the care feature itself. As per marketing 101; sell the benefit not the feature. Residents tell the Palm Lake Care story with short, memorable and emotive headlines that capture attention, where real narratives can be created through resident stories that inspire.