Street Art - Chevron Renaissance

A canvas for more than advertising.

Shopping centres are in constant flux, with events, embellishments and new traders luring you back. But temporary signage shouldn’t mean temporary thinking, and given the exposure and traffic everyday around and Chevron Renaissance in Surfers Paradise, large wall spaces are too good an opportunity not to get funky while advertising new stuff.

Sin are lucky enough to have a client that likes to be different, letting us unleash some truly interesting ideas that become Instagrammable favourites.

Something different you can bank on.

One of the most prominent Chevron corners needed to be wrapped for a long time for the new CBA branch fit out. Fortunately, Chevron and CBA were open to a bit of fun. Adding some of Chevron’s other traders just gave us an excuse to include pandas staring at bokchoy, coffee slurping hipsters and girls eating ice cream.

Makes you think.

Promoting leasing space sounds like a boring sign, unless you think like Sin. With echoes of the Naked Lunch book cover by William S Burroughs and Magritte’s famous painting of the man with apple and bowler hat, we decided to inject a little culture and whimsy.

Makes you think Chevron is a different place to put your business? You betcha.

Hungry for more.

There’s enough stock imagery used on shopping centre signage to make us all go to sleep. It definitely doesn’t cut through anymore when everyone does it. But with a clever idea and some snappy headlines we gave food leasing a whole new recipe.

There’s something in the air.

Free wifi? Every centre’s got it.
But not quite like Chevron, where a mundane message can become far cooler.